Program requirements

The program and course requirements set out the courses and rules you must follow to successfully complete this program.

You must also comply with UQ’s University Policies and Procedures.

What do the different requirements mean?

  • Core - all students must complete this course
  • Compulsory for major/specialisation - all students must complete this course
  • Prerequisite for major/specialisation - a course required for this major/specialisation
  • Required for Major/specialisation - a course required for this major/specialisation
  • Elective - an elective course from the course list, or as permitted by the program rules

Students commencing in Semester 2 (July intake)

The study planners provided outline the order of courses to be completed from semester 1 to semester 2. The planners identify semester offerings and in many instances, will be the same for students commencing the program from semester 2. You should check the course offerings to ensure that you are completing the courses in a way that ensures your progression in the program.

If the course sequencing in the planner does not work for you, please contact the School or book an appointment with an academic advisor to obtain individual advice.



Year 1

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
BAdvSc(Hons) core courses - complete 6 units

SCIE1100 Advanced Theory and Practice in Science 

STAT12011 Analysis of Scientific Data 


STAT1301 Advanced Analysis of Scientific Data

 SCIE1200 Introduction to Science Research
Prerequisite courses for major - complete 4 units
CHEM11002  Chemistry 1BIOL1040  Cells to Organisms
Compulsory course for major - complete 2 units
BIOL10202  Genes, Cells & EvolutionRefer to Semester 1 for compulsory course for major. 
Elective courses - choose 4 units

2 units from program electives or general electives

Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

2 units from program electives or general electives

Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

Additional Information:

  1. Course offered in Semester 1, Semester 2 and Summer Semester. 
  2. Course offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2

Year 2

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory course for major - complete 2 units

BIOL2200  Molecular Cell Biology I


BIOL2900 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology I

Compulsory course for major available in Semester 1 only.
Elective courses for major - choose 4 units

BIOC2000 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


BIOC2900 Advanced Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

BIOL2202 Genetics


BIOL2902 Advanced Genetics

BIOL2006 Biostatistics & Experimental Design


BIOL2106 Advanced Biostatistics

DEVB2000 Stem Cells, Development and Developmental Disorders

BIOM2011 Integrative Cell & Tissue Biology


BIOM2013 Advanced Integrative Cell & Tissue Biology

MICR2000 Microbiology & Immunology


MICR2900 Advanced Microbiology & Immunology

Elective courses - choose 10 units

Program elective or general elective1

Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

Program elective or general elective1

Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

Additional Information:

  1. Number of electives in each semester is dependent on course selection for Level 2 elective courses for major. Students must complete 8 units per semester. 

Year 3

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Elective courses for major (section 1) - choose 2 to 4 units
BIOM3014  Molecular & Cellular Physiology

BIOL3006  Molecular Cell Biology II


BIOL3906 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology II

Elective courses for major (section 2) - choose 4 to 6 units
BIOL3003  ImmunologyDEVB3001 Developmental Neurobiology
BIOL3213 Advanced Plant Biology & Biotechnology 
DEVB3002  Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine 
NEUR3001  Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience 
Research elective course for major - choose 0 to 2 units
SCIE3121 Research Project ISCIE3122 Research Project II
SCIE32201  Biomedical Science Research Skills​SCIE32211 Biomedical Science Research Project
Elective courses - choose 8 units

Program elective or general elective2

Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

Program elective or general elective2

Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

Additional Information:

  1. Course offered in Semester 1, Semester 2 and Summer Semester. 
  2. Number of electives in each semester is dependent on course selection for Level 3 elective courses for major. Students must complete 8 units per semester. 

    Year 1

    Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
    Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
    BAdvSc(Hons) core courses - complete 6 units

    SCIE1100 Advanced Theory and Practice in Science 



    STAT12011 Analysis of Scientific Data OR 

    STAT1301 Advanced Analysis of Scientific Data ]

    SCIE1200 Introduction to Science Research

    Prerequisite courses for major - complete 4 units
    CHEM11002  Chemistry 1BIOL1040  Cells to Organisms
    Compulsory course for major - complete 2 units
    BIOL10202  Genes, Cells & EvolutionRefer to Semester 1 for compulsory course for major. 
    Elective courses - choose 4 units

    2 units from program electives or general electives

    Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

    2 units from program electives or general electives

    Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

    Additional Information:

    1. Course offered in Semester 1, Semester 2 and Summer Semester. 
    2. Course offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2

    Year 2

    Note: Level 2 electives have changes for 2023.

    Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
    Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
    Compulsory course for major - complete 2 units

    [ BIOL2200  Molecular Cell Biology I OR

    BIOL2900 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology I ]

    Compulsory course for major available in Semester 1 only.
    Elective courses for major - choose 4 units

    [ BIOC2000 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology OR

    BIOC29001 Advanced Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ]

    [ BIOL2202 Genetics OR

    BIOL2902 Advanced Genetics ]

    [ BIOL2006 Biostatistics & Experimental Design OR

    BIOL2106 Advanced Biostatistics ]

    BIOM2208 Differentiation & Development

    [ BIOL2200  Molecular Cell Biology I OR

    BIOL2900 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology I ]

    (Courses removed from program requirements from 2023.)

    DEVB2000 Stem Cells, Development and Developmental Disorders


    [ BIOM2011 Integrative Cell & Tissue Biology OR

    BIOM2013 Advanced Integrative Cell & Tissue Biology ]

    [ MICR2000 Microbiology & Immunology OR

    MICR29002 Advanced Microbiology & Immunology ]

    Elective courses - choose 10 units

    Program elective or general elective3

    Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

    Program elective or general elective3

    Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

    Additional Information:

    1. Course offered from Semester 1, 2022. 
    2. Course offered from Semester 2, 2022. 
    3. Number of electives in each semester is dependent on course selection for Level 2 elective courses for major. Students must complete 8 units per semester. 

    Year 3

    Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
    Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
    Elective courses for major - choose 2 to 4 units
    BIOM3014  Molecular & Cellular Physiology

    [ BIOL3006  Molecular Cell Biology II OR

    BIOL39061 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology II ]

    Elective courses for major - choose 4 to 6 units
    BIOL3003  ImmunologyDEVB3001 Developmental Neurobiology
    BIOL3213 Advanced Plant Biology & Biotechnology 
    DEVB3002  Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine 
    NEUR3001  Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience 
    Elective course for major - choose 0 to 2 units

    SCIE32202  Biomedical Science Research Skills​

    SCIE32212 Biomedical Science Research Project

    SCIE3260 Introduction to Research in Chemistry, Biochemistry & Microbiology (A)SCIE3261 Introduction to Research in Chemistry, Biochemistry & Microbiology (B) 
    Elective courses - choose 8 units

    Program elective or general elective3

    Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

    Program elective or general elective3

    Refer to BAdvSc(Hons) course list for course selection.

    Additional Information:

    1. Course offered from Semester 1, 2024. 
    2. Course offered in Semester 1, Semester 2 and Summer Semester. 
    3. Number of electives in each semester is dependent on course selection for Level 3 elective courses for major. Students must complete 8 units per semester.