Program Requirements

Study planners are useful guides for successful progression through the program. Students must follow the program rules and requirements listed on the Programs and Courses website. 

Students are required to check the prerequisites, incompatibilities and restrictions for all courses they select in their study plan. Future course offerings are subject to change. 

Refer to the relevant study planner from the year and semester the program was commenced.


2025 Semester 1 or Semester 2 commencement


2024 Semester 1 or Semester 2 commencement


2023 Semester 1 or Semester 2 commencement


Program Requirements - 2022

To plan courses for your program, please:

  1. Open Program Planner
  2. Sign in using your UQ username and password or ‘start plan as guest’
  3. Search for your program using the program name or program code (for example: ‘Bachelor of Mathematics’ or ‘2460’)
  4. Add courses to your planner as required

Refer to the relevant ‘Program and course requirements’ page for the courses and rules you must follow to successfully complete the program.

You must also comply with UQ’s University Policies and Procedures.

Program requirements - 2021

The following planner is for students who commenced their program in 2021. 

The Courses and requirements set out the courses and rules you must follow to successfully complete this program.

You must also comply with UQ’s University Policies and Procedures.

What do the different requirements mean?

  • Core - all students must complete this course
  • Elective - required for the program, chosen from specific selection of courses

Students commencing in Semester 2 (July intake)

The study planners provided outline the order of courses to be completed from semester 1 to semester 2. The planners identify semester offerings and in many instances, will be the same for students commencing the program from semester 2. You should check the course offerings to ensure that you are completing the courses in a way that ensures your progression in the program.

If the course sequencing in the planner does not work for you, please contact the School or book an appointment with an academic advisor to obtain individual advice.

Year 1

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory Core courses - complete 16 units
BIOL1030 Global Challenges in BiologyENVM1522 Carbon & Energy Management
ENVM1501 Introduction to Environmental StudiesERTH10001 Planet Earth: The Big Picture
GEOS11001 Environment & SocietyGEOM1000 Fundamentals of Geographic Information & Technologies
MATH10401, 2 Mathematical Foundations ISTAT12013 Analysis of Scientific Data

Year 1 Additional Information

  1. Course offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2.
  2. MATH1040 is compulsory for students who have not passed/completed Queensland Year 12 Mathematical Methods (Units 3 & 4) (or equivalent).
  3. Course offered in Semester 1, Semester 2 and Summer Semester. 

Year 2

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory Core courses - complete 12 units
ENVM2008 Cultural Heritage ManagementENVM2100 Foundations of Sustainable Development
GEOG2205 Global Population IssuesENVM2203 Environmental Impact Assessment
GEOM2001 Geographical Information Systems 
LAND2003 The Soil Environment 
Elective courses - choose 4 units
Elective courses available in Semester 2 only. 

4 units program elective or general elective 

Refer to 'Program Electives' for recommended Level 2 courses

Year 3

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory Core courses - complete 14 units
ENVM3103 Regulatory Frameworks for Environmental Management & PlanningENVM31072 Northern Tour (4 units) 
ENVM3115 Climate Change & Environmental ManagementENVM31023 Industry Placement (Environmental Management)
 (4 units) 
ENVM32111 Pollution Science 
Elective courses - choose 2 units

2 units program elective or general elective 

Refer to 'Program Electives' for recommended Level 3 courses

Elective courses only available in Semester 1.

Year 3 Additional Information

  1. Course offered in Semester 1 from 2023. 
  2. Field trip course held during the mid-year break (June/July).
  3. Course offered in Semester 1, Semester 2 and Summer Semester. 

Year 4 - Industry Courses

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory core courses - complete 8 units
ENVM45121 Environmental Problem SolvingENVM4525 Sustainable Business Practice
ENVM4100 Environmental Management Case Studies (Part A 2 units)ENVM4100 Environmental Management Case Studies (Part B 2 units)
Elective courses - complete 8 units

4 units Level 3 program electives

Refer to 'Program Electives' for Level 3 courses

4 units Level 3 program electives

Refer to 'Program Electives' for Level 3 courses

Year 4 Additional Information

  1. Course offered in Semester 1 from 2022.

Year 4 - Research

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory Core courses - complete 16 units
ENVM45121 Environmental Problem SolvingENVM4525 Sustainable Business Practice
GEOS60012 Research DesignENVM4501 Honours Thesis (Part B 6 units)
ENVM45013 Honours Thesis (Part A 4 units) 

Year 4 Additional Information

  1. Course offered in Semester 1 from 2022.
  2. Course offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2. 
  3. Code for students in year-long course, commencing Semester 1. Students must re-enrol in same code in Semester 2. 

Program Elective Courses

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Level 1 elective courses

Elective courses available in Semester 2 only. 

Refer to General Electives for other course options. 

 GEOG1000 Human Settlements
 MARS1001 Living Oceans
 OHSS10001 Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety
Level 2 elective courses
GEOM2000 Introduction to Earth Observation Sciences (EOS)ENVM2002 Marine & Coastal Environmental Protection
GEOS2100 Environmental SystemsGEOG2001 Digital Geographies: Geospatial Data & Analysis
 GEOG2104 Urban Geography
 GEOS2101 Climatology & Hydrology
 GEOS2103 Biogeography & Geomorphology
Level 3 elective courses
ENVM3017 Landscape EcologyENVM3215 People, Fire & Environment
ENVM3200 Coastal Processes & ManagementENVM3305 Environmental Management in Mining
ENVM3201 Catchment Processes & ManagementENVM3506 Conservation Policy
ENVM3220 Conservation Planning & ManagementGEOG3205 Applied Demography
GEOS3106 Environmental HazardsGEOM3001 Earth Observation: Image Processing & Modelling
 GEOM3002 Spatial Analysis & Modelling
 GEOM3005 Geospatial Processing & Web Mapping
 GEOS3102 Global Change: Problems & Prospects
 MARS3012 Physical-biological Oceanography

Additional Information

  1. Course offered in Semester 1 and Semester 2.
  2. Course offered in Semester 1, Semester 2 and Summer Semester. 

General Elective Courses

Students may complete courses from any part of the BEnvMan(Hons) course list, and up to 4 units of courses may be completed from other course lists.