The School of Agriculture and Food Sciences have undertaken a review of the external mode of study for the Bachelor of Wildlife Science program, and have made the difficult decision to discontinue external enrolment into this program from 2022. 

A teach out plan has been created to ensure exsiting students can continue to complete the program externally over the course of the next 6 years (2022 - 2027).

For further information please refer to 'Last Year External Mode Offered' tab and the 'Part-time study planner' tab to plan your remanining enrolment. 

Note: courses will continue to be offered internally after the last year of the external offering.

Requesting Assistance

Further information and advice is available by contacting the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences (

Last Year External Mode Offered

External Mode Last Offered in 2022

The following BWSc Compulsory Core courses extenal mode will be last offered in 2022:

Course Code and NameResidential School Required
AGRC1021 Biological Concepts & Plant ScienceYes
AGRC1032 Elements of EcologyYes
ANIM1026 Australian Terrestrial VertebratesYes

External Mode Last Offered in 2023

The following BWSc Compulsory Core courses extenal mode will be last offered in 2023:

Course Code and NameResidential School Required
AGRC1023 Applied Mathematics & StatisticsNo
ANIM1020 Applied Animal BiologyYes
CHEM1004 ChemistryYes

External Mode Last Offered in 2024

The following BWSc Compulsory Core courses extenal mode will be last offered in 2024:

Course Code and NameResidential School Required
AGRC2001 Agricultural Biochemistry


No - (updated 15 November 2023)

External Mode Last Offered in 2025

The following BWSc Compulsory Core courses extenal mode will be last offered in 2025:

Course Code and NameResidential School Required
ANIM2033 Human - Wildlife Conflict ManagementNo
ANIM2055 The Management & Husbandry of Zoo AnimalsYes
ANIM2057 Applied Animal Physiology


No - (updated 15 November 2023)

External Mode Last Offered in 2026

The following BWSc Compulsory Core courses extenal mode will be last offered in 2026:

Course Code and NameResidential School Required
ANIM3006 Animal Health & Epidemiology


No - (updated 15 November 2023)

ANIM3018 Wildlife Technologies


No - (updated 15 November 2023)

ANIM3019 Animal ReproductionYes
ANIM3033 Wildlife Population ManagementNo

External Mode Last Offered in 2027

The following BWSc Compulsory Core courses extenal mode will be last offered in 2027:

Course Code and NameResidential School Required
ANIM3046 Animal Breeding & GeneticsNo
ANIM3049 Biology of Australian Marsupials & MonotremesYes

Students completing the Bachelor of Wildlife Science externally must enrol part-time, due to residential school requirements.

Residential schools run in each mid-semester break.

Year 1

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory core courses - complete 8 units
AGRC1021 Biological Concepts & Plant ScienceANIM1026 Australian Terrestrial Vertebrates
AGRC1032 Elements of EcologyCHEM1004 Chemistry

Year 2

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory core courses - complete 4 units
Students should only complete the 4 units of elective courses in Semester 1.AGRC1023 Applied Mathematics & Statistics
ANIM1020 Applied Animal Biology
Elective courses - choose 4 units
4 units program electives or general electivesStudents should only complete the 4 units of compulsory core courses in Semester 2.

 Year 3

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory core courses - complete 4 units
AGRC2001 Agricultural BiochemistryStudents should only complete the 4 units of elective courses in Semester 2.
ANIM2057 Applied Animal Physiology
Elective courses - choose 4 units
Students should only complete the 4 units of compulsory core courses in Semester 1.4 units program electives or general electives

Year 4

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory core courses - complete 4 units
ANIM2055 The Management & Husbandry of Zoo AnimalsANIM2033 Human - Wildlife Conflict Management
Elective courses - choose 4 units
2 units program electives or general electives2 units program electives or general electives

Year 5

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory core courses - complete 8 units
ANIM3019 Animal ReproductionANIM3006 Animal Health & Epidemiology
ANIM3046 Animal Breeding & GeneticsANIM3018 Wildlife Technologies

Year 6

Semester 1 and Semester 2 course options
Semester 1 (February - June)Semester 2 (July - November)
Compulsory core courses - complete 4 units
ANIM3033 Wildlife Population ManagementANIM3049 Biology of Australian Marsupials & Monotremes
Elective courses - choose 4 units
2 units program electives or general electives2 units program electives or general electives